Healthcare Comfort Products

We make a comprehensive range of foam products that are used to ease the discomfort for long-term patients, and those that might need them for a short period of time.

Memory Foam Mattress Toppers

These can be supplied in a range of sizes and thicknesses, and they can provide you with an enhanced level of comfort during your sleep.

MB 23These toppers slowly compress around your head and body, and allow you to settle naturally to achieve  the most relaxed sleeping position.

As can be seen here, with a time lapse of about a minute, we have used a moderately-heavy jar of components to simulate the head in contact with the memory foam. The foam slowly absorbs theMB 22 weight and moulds itself around the jar.

We would recommend that the foam is not too thick, ideally between 25 – 50 mm, maybe even up to 75 mm as a maximum. If its too thick any movement during the night becomes a little too difficult.


Mattress Overlays

MB 03Overlays are similar to mattress toppers inasmuch as they fit over an exisiting mattress. The easiest and cheapest way to be supplied is as completely flat sheets. They can extend the life of tired mattress for a few more years at a fraction of the cost of a new mattress.

If the problem is pressure, an answer might be to use a castellated mattress overlay. This gives a more graduated feel, and allowsHCD 04 the right areas to compress separately from others. The pressure at the most troublesome points is then eased.

Overlays do not need to be limited to just mattresses. They can be supplied for seats and work in the same way as for mattresses. They can also be supplied flat or castellated.

 Just let us know the shape and size you need and we’ll give you a quote.


Here are a few examples of other products that we can supply:

HCD 11  Coccyx Relief Cushions or Pommels HCD 05
 HCD 06bHCD 06a  Specially fabricated seats or backs HCD 09
HCD 01 HCD 02 Clip-over Chair Back Pads that can be adjusted separately on each side
HCD 08 Neck and Head Supports or Bolsters MB 01
HCD 06 Special bed bolsters for comfort in bed, can be supplied plain or surface-coated  HCD 07
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